CMT Software

Comprehensive CMT Software

Our automated solution provides access to streamlined Construction Materials Testing (CMT) management and billing for field technicians, lab technicians, inspectors, contractors, project managers and administration staff.

  • Work orders drive the entire process including tasks such as field observation notes, collecting site images and client authorizations - all available in real-time for field staff to enter and access reports.

  • Reports include error-free field data with site images, test results, lab results that have been signed and sealed by certified engineers - all available in real-time for field & office staff and clients.

  • Client portal - clients have access to their published reports anytime, including past project reports.

Awesome Design and Great Features

No matter what the size of your company and project is, eFieldData's powerful features will help your company to streamline the CMT management easily with our intuitive and modular design.

  • eFieldData Scalable Cloud Solution

    Scalable Cloud Solution

    The eFieldData Mobile App runs on both iOS and Android

  • eFieldData Downloadable Mobile Apps

    Downloadable Mobile Apps

    Easy to use IOS and Android apps

  • eFieldData Automated Workflow

    Automated Workflow

    Streamlined process to manage workflow

Scalable Link Building Solutions

eFieldData Overview

Clear And Ethical GuidanceTo SEO Success

eFieldData Mobile App

Audience First Content Marketing

eFieldData Workflow

Contact Us

For more information on how we can help you set up your paperless office, request a product demonstration or contact us with the form below.

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GSE Engineering & Consulting, Inc. (Case Study)

Business Challenge

GSE was using a field data collection software that had limitations on the number of reports, no interface to lab reports and cumbersome way of generating invoices. It was crucial to get “test results” reports out to clients in a timely manner.

GSE’s existing process took 1 to 2 weeks to generate reports for clients. (scheduling to field work to analysis & review to report generation). They were using outlook calendar for scheduling, and reports were generated manually.


GSE Engineering got to know about eFieldData during a GMEC Conference. They were impressed with eFieldData’s comprehensive automated workflow solution and repository of available ASTM forms. The intuitive, user-friendly mobile app to manage field data signed the deal. The following features exceeded GSE’s expectations.

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