
Main Benefits of an Online Scheduling and Dispatching Software

May 10, 2023

The main goal of any Construction Materials Testing company is to provide accurate test results to their clients in a timely manner. To achieve this goal efficiently, more and more companies have jumped into the technology bandwagon through a cloud-based automated workflow solution. The first step in this automated workflow solution is scheduling and dispatching a work order to perform construction material test or an inspection. This is where an online scheduling system that allows you to visualize the assigned workorders provides several benefits.

With an online scheduling system, you’ll be able to bring efficiency to the scheduling process as you can easily view the availability of your technicians and assign the right technician to the right job. This helps you distribute the work efficiently and avoid duplicate bookings.

Also, as all the information is in a single place in the system, everyone including the scheduler, project managers, engineers and technicians have access to the schedule in real-time. This leads to better communication and reduces the need for repeat calls.

A user-friendly interface is a key criteria of an efficient field service dispatch and scheduling software. Technicians can easily view what work orders lie ahead for them and plan their day better with the daily schedule. And when they click on a particular work order, they’ll be able to see all the job details including job location, test required, customer contact and required project attachments. This saves time as technicians are able to access all the job-related information at a touch of a button on their mobile device.

From the scheduler’s perspective, a user-friendly calendar view makes it easy to see the distribution of all the work orders. With the ability to color code and filter by technician or group for the day, week or month, it’s easier to reschedule and distribute the workload evenly. Additionally, it also makes it easier or take advantage of proximity of job locations in a particular area to the same technician. This leads to cost-savings in terms of travel time.

Finally, an efficient field scheduling and dispatching system empowers construction materials testing companies to provide better client experience. This includes technicians arriving on time and scheduling follow-up tests if needed and also it reduces “no-shows”. This leads to improved satisfaction for both clients and employees.

In conclusion, a construction materials testing company benefits significantly from an automated workflow software's online scheduling feature. It increases efficiency and communication that leads to both client and employee satisfaction. Investing in a cloud-based automated workflow software with an online scheduling and dispatching feature can ultimately help to improve project outcomes and bring in more business.

eFieldData, a cloud-based construction materials testing software for workflow automation provides all the above benefits at an affordable price.

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